Wednesday 8 May 2013

Cosmetic Surgery Overseas: popular Medical Tourism

Of all of the different types of medical tourism options, the one which seems to have captured the imagination from the media and the public alike is cosmetic surgery.

Breast enlargement, facelift surgery, eyelid surgery and rhinoplasty are one of the procedures most commonly performed for medical tourists, along with non-surgical procedures for example Botox injections. But there are also many less-famous procedures, for example arm lift surgery, chin reduction and muscle implants that patients choose to get overseas.

Because cosmetic surgery is usually purely elective surgery, medical insurance doesn't cover it, and those countries having a national health service are unlikely to subsidize it, specially in the current financial climate, cosmetic surgery procedures may be sought abroad.

Each year, a great many people travel abroad throughout the world, in search more affordable cosmetic surgery prices. Appropriate destinations for cosmetic surgery overseas rely on where the patient lives, so while a US resident could be more likely to choose surgery in South and Central America, medical tourists from Europe will discover Eastern Europe or Turkey is often appropriate, due their relative proximity.

Cosmetic surgery performed abroad often gets a lot more than its fair share of criticism, especially from clinics within the wealthier countries, where the
prices for cosmetic surgery are higher. It's claimed that the standards of surgery and care could be lower, and that patients traveling abroad are earning a false economy, and are potentially putting their own health and lives at potential risk.

On the other hand, overseas plastic surgery clinics can frequently market themselves quite aggressively, portraying themselves, and surgery abroad in general, as altogether the best choice for the patient.

As is a fact of life, the truth lies somewhere among!
Once you look past the vested interests from the clinics at home and abroad, and beyond the media’s need to sensationalize, it is easy to see that cosmetic surgery abroad, and cosmetic surgery in america, do not differ so greatly. Someone can travel to Brasil, and get treatment from the surgeon who trained in the united states, has equivalent experience and qualifications, and, yes, is cheaper.

The critical point is the fact that wherever you get aesthetic surgery, like a patient you need to research the clinic and also the surgeon, to check their reputation,
skills, and also to find any evidence of substandard patient satisfaction.

What all countries will have in common is that in addition to having some highly-skilled and qualified aesthetic surgeons, they'll also have their fair share of less-reputable, as well as illegal clinics.

If you do make sure of choosing a cosmetic surgery clinic abroad with the right level of due diligence, the reality is there are some huge savings to make. Brazil, Panama, Costa Rica and Mexico have the ability to some excellent clinics and surgeons, the cost of treatment is frequently as little as just one third of the price you may expect to pay in the US.

Why a lot cheaper for cosmetic surgery abroad?
An error many people make is to expect an immediate correlation between price and quality. Treatment within the US costs more, so therefore people assume is follows the treatment is of a higher quality. However, the truth is that there are a number of factors that bring about the price of surgery.

The cost of living, and just what domestic patients can afford to pay for, plays a definite part in how plastic surgery is priced. Additional factors are infrastructure costs, the salaries paid towards the surgeon and other staff at the clinic, business taxes, and so forth. In the same way that it is far more
expensive for produce electrical goods in america than it is, say, in the Far East, we ought to not make the assumption that price alone dictates quality.

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